Principles of Job Design: Steps to take after getting the job, including analysis and task design.
Job Training and Instructional Support: Setting up learning strategies using task analysis, systematic instruction, natural learning and reinforcement, and data collection.
Natural Supports: Learn to develop supports using natural features of the work site, including co-workers.
Social-Behavioral Support: Develop strategies to support workers to interact in socially expected ways to enhance job success.
The trainee will gain knowledge of:
• the elements of a comprehensive job analysis.
• the use of job carving as a work design strategy.
• key social components of job design.
• how to develop on-the-job training strategies.
• strategies for developing natural supports on the job.
• ways of analyzing work cultures to better understand social relationships at the worksite.
• the features of job design and support related to the Americans with Disabilities Act’s mandate for reasonable accommodations for workers with disabilities.
• techniques of facilitating coworker-supported training.
• the use of systematic training, including task analysis, natural cues and reinforcers, error correction procedures, and self-instruction techniques.
• how to build support so human service support is minimized through fading.
• how to support appropriate social behavior on the job.