Extended Medicare Coverage

SSDI beneficiaries who lose their cash benefit entitlement due to performance of SGA, but continue to be disabled, are eligible for extended Medicare coverage. The extended coverage is for a minimum of 36 months (EPE) following the conclusion of the 9 month TWP. 

  • Medicare coverage for people with disabilities who return to work will continue to receive Medicare Part A free for an additional 4 ½ years.
  • EPE must have started after June, 1997
  • Must maintain employment

Continuation of Medicare

After the ninth month of the Trial work Period (TWP), most individuals with disabilities who work will continue to receive at least 93 consecutive months (over 7 & 1/2 years) of hospitalization (Part A), supplementary medical insurance (Part B), and prescription drug coverage (Part D) under Medicare. Although cash benefits may cease due to work, you have the assurance of continued health insurance. Note: You must arrange for continued Premium Payments for Parts B and D.
The following regulations are still in place: 

  • The 93 months start the month after the last month of your TWP.
  • You must work and perform SGA, but not improve medically. 
  • You must satisfy your Medicare waiting period (24 months).  Once that is complete, your continued Medicare coverage can start and continue for at least the remainder of the 93 consecutive months.

* In addition, individuals can buy into the Medicare program once the extended Medicare coverage is exhausted.  If the premiums are paid timely, a person is able to maintain Medicare coverage indefinitely, regardless of their age.